Holidays to Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a peaceful country. So peaceful in fact, that it’s one of the few sovereign nations without an army. It’s also one of the most economically stable countries in the world with higher living standards than most of Central America.

Beaches fringe the Pacific and Caribbean coastline, lush green mountains rise up from the tropical forests and howler monkeys can be heard making their way through the trees. This varied landscape means adventurers can wander into the wilderness and beach bums can relax in the surf. Mix in with this the beautiful weather of Costa Rica and you can expect this destination to be a bustling place in peak season. But with so much of the country to explore, step off the beaten track to dig into the culture of this nation.

Branded the “Switzerland of Central America”, Costa Rica once relied on exporting coffee beans, bananas and beef to bring wealth to the economy. Now though, tourism is Costa Rica’s main source of income and is there any wonder with a country as beautiful as this?

Good to know

Cost of a beer

1,500 ₡

3-course meal

10,000 ₡

Flight time

London: 11 hrs

(from London)


Costa Rican Colon



Time difference

GMT -6

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The bustling capital of Costa Rica, San José offers it's visitors the chance to see the cosmopolitan side of the city.

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